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Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina – FTCBH has a 110-year long tradition of existence, continual work and legal succession. The latest legal form of the Chamber has been established by the Law on Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of B&H No. 30/01), by which the FTCBH is an association of BH companies, producers and service providers in various business sectors across the country, which are also registered for foreign trade activities (imports and exports).

The FTCBH mission is to create network platforms for their members, represent their interests before the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as before relevant associations abroad, in order to achieve a more favorable business environment, greater and faster opening of new capacities, and improving and increasing the competitiveness of domestic products and services at local and foreign markets under conditions of market liberalization.


FTCBH has also the mandate of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Export Promotion Agency (BHEPA) with the aim to develop and expand export markets by promoting products and capabilities of the country internationally.

FTCBH has extensive experience in organizing Bosnia and Herzegovina National booths at international trade fairs abroad, managing b2b events with international participation, conducting business educations and running business supporting projects.

The Chamber also organizes the work and activities of its members through more than 20 professional branch (sectorial) associations, issues export related documents, and provides information on foreign trade statistics and foreign market requirements.

Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the B&H National Guaranteeing and Issuing Association  of ATA Carnets.”

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