In the period from 13-19 January, 2020, Bosnia and Herzegovina realized its 10th participation at the International Interiors Show Imm 2020 that took place in Cologne. This time, seven companies exhibited in the Bosnia and Herzegovina pavilion which was designed by Bosnian designer Salih Teskeredzic.
The decade of continuous presence at the Imm Cologne is an accomplishment of a project ‘Tradition for Future’ whose main aim was to restore existing ties and pave the path into the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the EU furniture market while relying on our own strong points: an abundance of forest resources, tradition in working with wood, and talented young designers.
Co-ordinated by the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the project is an aligned effort by entrepreneurs, academia, government, and international partners, and has so far succeeded in supporting more than 70 participations of individual companies in the Bosnia and Herzegovina pavilion.